Praying for healing...

Thursday, June 18, 2009 Posted In , , Edit This 5 Comments »

My siamese kitty, LoLo, is a very sick girl. She lost a lot of weight and when I took her Monday to the vet they said her white bloodcell count was sky high and her potassium was low. They gave her a shot of antibiotics and sent her home with me. She ate a little when she got home, but over the next day she started breathing rapidly. I took her back to the vet, and we tested her blood sugar and she appears to be diabetic.

However, something has happened to affect her heart and her lungs in the process. She has fluid in the space between her lungs and they don't know what kind of fluid it is. They are going to try to put her under and drain some of it out to test it. But the vet doesn't sound so certain she's strong enough to survive the procedure.My heart is breaking for my poor girl. She's my sweet alien-faced fruitbat cat. And DH calls her my doppelgänger, because she is always wherever I am. So please send up prayers and positive thoughts for my darling LoLo. I'm so heartbroken and worried about her. To be honest, I was amazed she made it through the night.

LoLo survived the surgery to drain almost 60cc's of fluid from the areas on each side of her lungs. The vet also had to reinflate one lung, because the amount of fluid had collapsed it. Unfortunately, her breathing is still rapid and looks terrible. I just don't know if she's going to make it. If the fluid reaccumulates tomorrow, I guess we'll be done trying for a miracle. So right now, we're just praying for one.


Jackie said...

Awww. I'm sorry Tara. I had a Siamese cat for 20 years and loved him dearly! Hopefully, you'll get that miracle. They do happen ya know!

April said...

Oh T, how sad. :( She is a beautiful girl and I am sending up prayers right now for her.

Unknown said...

Prayers for you and for kitty. I'm sorry T!

Ray said...

I'm so sorry Tara. She looks like a beautiful cat. And she sounds wonderfully loving too. She's lucky to have someone like you who cares for her.

Greekmom said...

I'm sorry about your kitty Tara.
I loved mine alot.