The chopping block...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Posted In , Edit This 7 Comments »

I got my hair cut again yesterday. It is a *little* shorter than I had anticipated, but I think I like it. I'm still adjusting to it, though. DH, however, is in love with it, which came as a total shock and surprise to me. I was convinced he'd hate it. But I'm grateful he likes it and I chose to ignore the comment, "Wow, it looks like I'll have a new woman in my bed."


April said...

Love the new do... Hubby is right, it looks good on you. :)

Ladybird said...

I really like it! Adorable on you!

I wish that I had the nerve to cut mine off. It is naturally curlly and the shorter I cut it, the curlier it gets. If I cut off that short, I am convinced that I would look like a q-tip.

Shannon said...

Love it!! Seems like the whole house keeps getting hair cut shorter and shorter! Is it DH's turn next?

d e v a n said...

I think it looks cute!

Laura said...

Looks fantastic!

Jann said...

I love it!!!!!!

brenna said...

Looks great!